Early Childhood Development Research in sub-Saharan Africa (ECDR-SSA) Compendium Project


The ECDR-SSA compendium identifies internationally accessible literature on ECD in SSA, and, as such, most of the entries take the form of journal articles, books, and reports. Efforts have been made to include forms of documentation that generally fall outside of traditional academic search databases. This includes forms of grey literature such as theses and dissertations, conference proceedings, and training curricula. We hope this component will continue to grow going forward.

The entries speak to our priority areas of:

  1. ECD policy, provisions and services, and
  2. ECD practices, programmes, and pre-primary pedagogies.

An important decision was made early on to intentionally search for studies led by SSA researchers and/or institutions. While some key international work is included, the majority of the more than 700-full entries are SSA-based and most recent publications are SSA-led. By full entries we mean a citation, author's institutional affiliation, abstract, country of reference, keywords, format, and available location.

If you have suggestions for additional resources for the compendium, please contact us.

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